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Pet love at Seabrae

At Seabrae Manor Aged Care, we love animals. We welcome pets into our home as it helps residents with their mental health by decreasing stress and anxiety, helps to combat loneliness and brings a lot of joy. Our residents look forward to the many weekly pet visits from family, volunteers and even our GP and physiotherapist who bring their furry pets in for cuddles.

Seabrae Manor resident, Carol, is a big animal lover and it makes her so happy that pets can come and visit her in the home regularly. Carol says that when she lived in England, she had an Airedale Terrier cross Kelpie named Nugget.

Carol tells us that she always had pets throughout her life. ‘We have always had our special furry friends’, says Carol. ‘My sister and brother-in-law bought mum a Blue Burmeise cat, called Smokey. Then we had a friend for him called, ‘Katie’, a domestic short hair. I lost them both in November and December last year before moving to Seabrae Manor.’

Carol says that she has always had a strong love for cats in particular. ‘I liked having a cat to stroke and pat while going to sleep, it helped calm me down, and gave me a lot of joy,’ she says. ‘We had a furry pet called Perry, who would visit Seabrae, he was part of the family. Perry would lie on my lap or my bed and snore. He was great company, not just for me, but many residents and staff.’

At Seabrae Manor, our residents thrive when there are animals present in our home as it helps combat loneliness and allows for residents to get in touch with their nurturing side.


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